DR AMIR FARID ISAHAK was the Founding President of Guolin Qigong Association Malaysia and was also the Vice-President of the Malaysian Reiki Association. He has been practising and teaching Qigong ( Islamic, Guolin, Xiangong and Shaolin Qigong ) for about 15 years, and is a respected Qigong Master and Reiki Master ( Usui & Karuna Reiki ). He is the founder of "SuperQigong" - a set of Qigong exercises most beneficial to prevent or recover from the most common health problems - cancer, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, spinal problems, etc. These exercises include the anti-cancer Amazing Qigong Walk, and other exercises modified from classic Qigong styles, and also invented by him.
He is a senior medical consultant with over 25 years of practice [ Qualifications = MBBS ( Qld,Aust ), MMED ( Spore ), MRCOG ( UK ) ]. He is a pioneer of Anti-Aging Medicine in Malaysia. He is a member of the Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Malaysia, Healthy Aging Society Malaysia, and a Board Member of the International Health & Longevity Foundation based in Japan. He is also a pioneer in promoting Holistic Integrated Medicine ( combining modern, natural and complementary therapies ), and in promoting Healthy Natural Menopause in Malaysian women.
Although trained in Modern Medicine ( practising Obstetrics/Gynecology, Family Practice, Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine ), he is a firm believer and practitioner of Holistic Health, Alternative/Complementary Therapies, Integrated Medicine, Predictive and Preventive Medicine, Total Wellness, Nutritional Healing and Spiritual Healing.
He is also trained in Healing Tao, Hypnosis, Islamic Unani Medicine, MindScience, Pranic Healing, Phytobiophysics, Psychic Healing, Silva Mind Control, Sufi Healing, and Yoga.
His other areas of special interest are - Aesthetic Medicine; Antioxidants & FreeRadicals ; BioEnergetic Healing, Cell/Placenta & StemCell Therapies; Chelation Therapy; Detoxification; Enzymes; Functional Foods; Raw Foods; Mind-Body Medicine; Natural HRT for Women; Oxygen and Ozone Therapies; and Probiotics.
He is among Malaysia's most popular speakers on Anti-Aging, Wellness, Qigong and Natural Menopause, having been invited to speak on the subjects by many organisations, companies and government departments; and at local and international medical and scientific conferences.
He speaks on all the subjects of his interest, and conducts courses, seminars and Holistic Health Camps regularly.
He is a popular health columnist for The Star newspaper, writing on Qigong, Wellness, Nutrition and other Health topics.
He is currently the Anti-Aging, Aesthetic & Wellness Program Director at several Anti-Aging & Wellness Centres; Consultant Gynecologist at The Holistic Clinic For Women and several hospitals; and health adviser/consultant to several Beauty Salon Groups and health-related companies.

Dr Amir practising Superqigong with his two younger children
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